Renaissance Location Remodels Rustic Office Space
By Alli Kauffman | July 24, 2019
LEBANON, PA — As of July, 2019 Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc. (PCS) has renovated the outdated and unused second floor of their Renaissance location in order to expand the office. PCS’s maintenance team transformed the area into a rustic, naturally lit office space overlooking Cumberland Street in downtown Lebanon.
This office space has enabled PCS to create nine new job positions in an effort to build a case management team to better serve Lebanon County.

The office’s exposed brick wall presents a rustic alternative to the average office cubicle.
The new case management team at Renaissance will work with drug and alcohol clients to ensure that they have access to services that will help them achieve and sustain long-term recovery. The case managers will provide instruction, role modeling and coaching for the clients while working with their team members to problem solve and conduct checkups with clients and local resources.

The north side of the office overlooks downtown Lebanon’s iconic Cumberland Street and provides natural lighting for every desk in the room.
Since its purchase from Harold’s Furniture in 2008, Renaissance has grown into one of PCS’s biggest outpatient locations. Another recent building update added a fitness center to Renaissance’s third and fourth floors, which is available to local employees and specialized program clients. With the newest renovation of the second floor, PCS strives to continue improving and touching even more lives.

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