Can I also take antidepressant(s) if I am receiving TMS Therapy?
Paul Harden2023-01-05T17:23:23+00:00Patients may continue to take antidepressant medication while receiving TMS therapy if determined appropriate by the physician.
Patients may continue to take antidepressant medication while receiving TMS therapy if determined appropriate by the physician.
Maintenance TMS is a large area of study with this technology. In a clinical trial, 2 out of 3 patients who had either responded to treatment or completely remitted their depression symptoms reported 12… Continue Reading How long does the antidepressant effect last? Will I need any therapy beyond the first treatment regimen?
TMS is a generally safe procedure with over two decades of intense clinical and scientific research behind it. In 10,000 treatments during clinical trials, the most common side effects is mild to moderate scalp… Continue Reading What are the potential risks of TMS Therapy?
The ability for TMS to provide relief of symptoms varies greatly from person. Therefore the length of a TMS Therapy course can vary greatly. Your doctor will recommend a schedule of sessions based on… Continue Reading How long is a typical course of TMS Therapy?
While both TMS and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) are effective in the treatment of depression, there are many differences in safety and tolerability. Both are designed to treat depression through the application of energy into… Continue Reading Is TMS Therapy like electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?
No. TMS Therapy utilizes a highly focused electromagnetic pulse with an intensity similar to that of an MRI machine. Other popularized uses of magnets for health benefits involve using a static magnetic field. These… Continue Reading Is TMS Therapy like other alternative therapies which use magnets to treat some illnesses?
TMS is non-systemic (does not circulate in the blood throughout the body), so it does not have side effects such as weight gain, sexual dysfunction, nausea, dry mouth, sedation, etc. The most common side… Continue Reading Is TMS Therapy a good alternative for patients who cannot tolerate the side effects associated with antidepressant medications?
It usually takes time for healthcare insurers to establish coverage policies for newly approved treatments such as TMS Therapy. To date, many commercial and Medicare plans have included at least partial coverage for TMS… Continue Reading Is TMS Therapy covered by my insurance?
TMS Therapy utilizes an electromagnetic pulse to activate regions of the brain that are made dormant by depression. The subsequent raising of neurotransmitter levels in these regions is thought to be what lessons the… Continue Reading How does TMS Therapy work?
TMS Therapy is a new and alternative therapy cleared by the FDA in the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder, specifically when medicines have not yielded satisfactory results.