Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc. (PCS) makes reasonable efforts to provide accurate and complete information on this website. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information or materials contained herein. The information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide professional advice. Visitors to this website assume the risk of using any information or materials contained herein as well as links to other websites presented for the convenience of visitors. PCS takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on any other site and makes no recommendations or endorsements of any services or products presented on any linked site. Visitors to PCS’s website are advised that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality and security of electronic mail submitted via the internet. PCS reserves all rights to the information on this website, including the right of distribution. Information on this website may be protected under copyright laws.

counties we serve

Adams County Clinic Link Image
Berks County
Dauphin County
Franklin and Fulton County
Lancaster County
Lebanon County
York County

get in touch


Give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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Fill out our online form, and we’ll call you to schedule an appointment.

People are valuable.

Therefore, PCS exists to help children, adults and families discover their greatness.